Monday, September 3, 2012

It's the Inside that Matters Most

 I have learned so many lessons while here in India. However; the one I continue to see each day is this: beauty is not physical, but internal. It is shown by how you treat others and will be shown in your countenance. The people I see and care for in the colonies may not be beautiful by the world's standard, however; when you hold their hand, look into their eyes, see their smile, and hear them praise and thank God that you are there, their inner beauty far out-weighs their physical appearance. To me they are beautiful both inside and out.
        Anen and I, the best driver ever. He always has a smile on his face :)                                                                                

I felt so sorry for this women, she was very sick and in a lot of pain. I wish there was more we could do to help. 

 Anen made me a balloon face that looked just like least that's what he said...One thing about Indian people, they are very honest and tell you exactly what they think. I've already been told I have big feet, I'm very tall, I look like I'm 30, and my favorite "you have a water tummy" (that was said by one of the kids, needless to say I need to firm up).
                                                    See what I mean? Isn't she beautiful!
                                  Me and Nusly, I'm so lucky to work with such great volunteers!

This is a regular occurrence here in India. The most people I have seen on one motorcycle was 5! I love how the little girl in the front has sunglasses on :)
 So, I took my camera to play time today. I have a love/hate relationship with taking my camera to play time. I love that I get to take pictures of the kids so that I can remember them when I leave. I hate that they all want to grab my camera and take pictures or videos and they constantly ask to see it. It's worth it when I get cute pictures like these though, don't you think? :)

The boy in the back in the orange shirt took about 3 minutes to get all the other boys in their special poses for the picture :) I loved it! You can also see the swing-set in the back of this picture....I gave "under-dogs" for about 20 minutes to those 4 little boys today. They never get tired of them!
                                                                          So cute!!

This is the moment during playtime where I am thinking, "crap, I'm going to get lice" The little girls love to climb all over you and be all around your face, more specifically your hair. Nusly and I are super paranoid about getting lice and check each other each night. I am proud to say so far I am lice free!

I just love this little girl! She has the cutest smile. All the children here have something special about them. They all have a sweet spirit and as you play with them you get to know their different personalities. I count my blessings each day that I am here. Even though these little kids at rising star have a rough life, (compared to our standard) it is nothing compared to the life of the kids in the village and around the rest of India. I feel blessed to have this opportunity to work with these sweet spirits. They definitely have made a very strong impact on my life and I know I will never forget my experience here. 

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