Monday, August 27, 2012

Day 1 in India

Hello from incredible India! In the day that I have been in India it has been such an adventure. We flew in at 1140 last night and by the time we got our bags, went through customs, and made it to the hotel it was around 1:30am. We were so tired, but jet-lagged and didn't fall asleep until around 330 am. At 10:00 some awesome people from Rising Star came and picked us up and drove us to campus. What a crazy drive! People in India are constantly honking their horns, passing, and we saw 4 people all on 1 motorcycle! I loved driving and being able to see India and how the people here live. It made me very grateful to live where I do. 
                                              This is Nusley, she was my travel buddy!
                                                      Becky, Me, and Nusley
                 The rising star volunteer that picked us up gave us these beautiful Jasmine flowers
                                               Some more of the crew! (Birdie, Cassidy, Beck, Merilynn)

                                                     Home for the next 2 weeks :)
                               Waiting in front of the Elephant house before we went to meet the kids :)
                                 Wearing the traditional Indian clothes called chudidars.

After getting settled we went and played with the kids from 4:30-6:00. They are all so wonderful and just come up to you and hug you and want to know your name. The hard part is they want you to know their names as well, (and their names aren't short by any means and are difficult to pronounce) and will constantly ask you "Alli, what's my name?" Luckily they are patient with me, because I have a lot of names to learn! I will take my camera to play time tomorrow so you can see some pictures of these kids that have stolen my heart :) We then went and ate dinner talking about the high and low parts of our day. I would say the low part for me was having to use the squater toilets. Not a fan. The best part was meeting the kids! After we ate we went back to the hostels where the kids sleep. They each have a house mom who is over about 20 kids. We are assigned a house mom and go and help her get the kids ready for bed. I mostly listened to the girls read to me for their homework assignment. I loved it :)
 Tomorrow we go to our first leprosy colony. I am so excited to get to know these people more and look forward to more exciting experiences!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are having a great time Sis! The pictures are great. I hope you remember to bring your favorite brother and sister-in-law a souvenir or cool Indian outfit like you have ;)
