Friday, August 31, 2012

Just another day in India

Well, we had another fantastic day in the colony. My volunteer group is just doing medical and education rotations. No construction for us, which I was kind of bummed out about, but everything has been so great so far! 

                                               Here is the group on our way to the colony
                                   This is our driver, Anen, he was hilarious and made us listen to his favorite song "Who let the dogs out" :)
                               These are some of the men in the colony. The man in the white shirt is the leader over the colony. He spoke some English and was so nice and appreciative.
                                                              I love this mans face

 They all wanted a group photo with me ;) We had to take a couple before they approved and said it was "ok" The man in the orange shirt was so much fun to work with. Most of the people in the colony don't understand English, but they do understand one word "Super" This sweet man kept saying it over and over, along with "Vanikam" which means "Hi" He was so nice and had such a strong spirit with him. 
                                      There was also a little school in the colony for some of the kids. These kids will hopefully be able to come to Rising Star for their education eventually. It was fun to meet some of the Grandparents and parents at the colony. They would say their kids name to see if you knew them.

                        These were the teachers of the school, they were so nice and spoke really good English
                                    This little boy gave me a tour of the colony, he was so sweet
                                           These are just some pictures of the colony

 These beautiful women make pearl bracelets, necklaces and earrings. They are called "Pearls of Hope." They work from their leprosy colonies and sell the jewelry to try to become self-sufficient.
 Once we got back from the colonies we decided to take a walk through the nearby village. It was fun to get out and enjoy the beauty around us. The people here live with such simplicity and live in such humble circumstances, yet they are all so friendly and loving. You can't help but love them right back and want to serve them. 

                                            This is the Rising Star Outreach school
                           I had to get one picture with our wonderful squatter toilets, gotta love them....
               But not as much as the bucket showers :) I can't wait to have a real shower again!
 Sorry these are out of order. This is a picture of me in the colony, I was helping wash their feet. I loved the peaceful feeling I had as I was working with this colony.

These little kids were adorable! They were in the village that we were walking around, they wanted a picture and of course they love to see it afterwards, Birdie was sweet enough to capture this moment :)
I can't believe I have finished my first week here! Time has flown by and it makes me sad to think about leaving next I just won't think about it. I have fallen in love with all the sweet kids and have already started to develop close relationships with many of them.
The last few nights at family time the girls in my house are obsessed with this song that I sang to them that all they want me to do whenever they see me is sing it. Tonight I wrote it down on about 4 different pieces of paper so that they can start learning it. They memorize things very well and they told me they will have it memorized by the time I leave. I can't wait for them to be able to sing it so that I don't have to sing it so much :)

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